Tuesday, January 26, 2021

a perfect walk

 this walk was a good one.  pretty snowflakes, nice temperature, beautiful trail, my handsome boys, clearing the mind and a nice mood reset.  all so good...  

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

last supper

 two whole weeks with this girl home was a Christmas gift in and of itself!  so nice to have her around again...and baby C. sure didn't object!  they are sure cute together...

but, all good things come to an end they say, and she did have to get back to start another term of school.  i asked her what she'd like to eat for her "last meal".  Hannah helped me make it (come to think of it, she also picked up a few ingredients at the grocery store :)), and i'll admit, i thought we totally nailed it.  nothing fancy (not that my cooking ever is fancy.  nope- way more ordinary, but hopefully delicious. i'm good with that. one day though, one day...i have plans to expand my culinary techniques and dive into some other cultures, when there's more time, and it's gonna be great too!) 

anywayyyy, she requested puff pastry flatbreads~ caramelized onion and margherita specifically.   

i sure miss you Hannah, but your extra long break of Christmas 2020 will always go down as a silver lining. 💗

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

so...i'm back

a timely blogging break.  one less thing to think of as we hunkered down for a simple homespun Christmas and family holiday of the most unique kind.  it was still wonderful though.  of course, so much was missed as we had exactly zero gatherings with extended family and friends.  even so, there was loads to celebrate and be thankful for.  we all are healthy so far~ our extended family members too.  Jeff had a string of days off, away from work, with time to rest and catch up on the ever present list of things to do.  our oldest two were home, Joelle for less time as she had shifts at the hospital to return for, but it was still so fun to have all eight of us together under one roof for four days.  i didn't get many pictures, i'm awful at remembering that part.  what i do have is from the girls or Jeff as they managed to catch a few, although most of the Christmas 2020 shots were of sweet baby C it seems.  and how i wish i could post those...

Layla made the cookies, and the boys ate them...fast.

i really enjoyed the food preparation during this lockdown Christmas of 2020.  it felt like i literally cooked for two straight days.  but somehow it was spaced out and relaxed, and i kind of rolled from one meal right into the next.  it worked, the family ate well, and i enjoyed that part. it makes my heart happy.

Christmas bouquets and cozy fires...

God is good.  grateful for many things, big and small, and silver linings during this difficult pandemic. looking forward to connecting with and hugging our families and friends soon.  can't wait for that.

in the meantime, 2021 is...well...underway, shall we say?!  i hope and pray for a better year, but however it unfolds, i hope i walk in closer step with God and daily (that's where it gets tricky :)) seek His plan and purpose for my life.  can't go wrong with a plan like that.

blessings all, be well!