Tuesday, October 27, 2020

these two

 this is win-win right here.  these two love hanging out.  and this is one huge reason why we do what we do. 

(in case anyone wants to report us, we were not driving when this photo was taken.  we were stopped at a McDonald's having lunch)

 Hudson is so natural with this sweet baby, and what baby C. gives in return is just the most beautiful servings of love and smiles and attention that you really can't help but be drawn to him.  pure sunshine.  baby C. screeches in joy and giggles lots for all of us, but almost always for Hudson... 

so good for baby, so nice for Hudson.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

the blue plate

 that day when Joelle was home, and we were celebrating her birthday with the blue plate, and she was commenting something like "i'm a superior individual" and promptly dropped and broke the sentimental blue plate....

good thing we love her a lot i guess...

oh, in case you were wondering, that last centimetre of pop in her glass, she never drinks it unless called back for that purpose.  it's her thing.  it's how we know she's home. :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

pandemic times

 Joelle is slugging it out.  as are her coworkers and fellow nurses worldwide.

front line workers extraordinaire!  

way to go, Jo! ❤

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


gratitude is probably one of my biggest, life changing practices of the last decade.  it is absolutely key to my overall perspective and attitude.  thanks Ann Voskamp!  the necessary habit of counting my blessings draws me closer to God and His goodness and His daily graces when it's sometimes easy to get lost in the "less wonderful".  go ahead, read between the lines. :) so in this season of thanksgiving i am once again taking stock of the amazing ways God's provisions carry me and sustain me.  here's a few that rise to the top....

gorgeous fall colours painting the trees

mum pots in full bloom 

warm summer-like weather in October

a table full of my kids playing a game of spoons

the luxury of so much food that it takes a whole evening and day to prepare a Thanksgiving feast

laughter and togetherness

a rock-star husband who supports and carries so much of the load

fall candles lit

new beginnings 

small connections and baby steps

friends who stay the course 

silver linings 

...and these just roll off my fingertips.  i could go on and on.  so much good.  thankful for much and happy to have another season to reflect on the blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families too!