wow. so many thoughts on the significance of National Adoption Month. adoption has impacted our family in too many ways to mention. it's profound loss, it's beauty, it's trauma, it's joy, it's grief, it's amazing, it's redemptive, it's exhausting, it's difficult...
but it's worth it.
and then i read/watched...
it reminded me that it's really about daily grace, kindness and self sacrifice. timely for's about being open to the needs around you. the messy, the sad, the painful. it's about stepping outside of our comfort zones (do i have to??) and wow i still have so much to learn in this's not about self-preservation but more about a daily lifestyle that demonstrates the same love Christ showed to us when we were broken and lost. He loved us, even though...
check out the link. beautiful people living open handed among the brokenness. inspiration in the flesh.