Tuesday, October 29, 2019

cross country

cross country 2019.  Alemayehu makes it look pretty easy.  he snagged 2nd place at the first meet which qualified him for the district race.  so fun to watch and always makes me pause and feel super thankful that his body is healthy and able to participate.


even better when your oldest sister is home to watch! :)

then in Blenheim, at that next level he ran like the wind and through the wind, literally, and finished 7th out of 60 boys.  pretty impressive!  some Ethiopian genes working in his favour, i'd say!  i wasn't able to go that day, but a teacher snapped a picture just after the race finished.  

good job buddy!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

hockey firsts

this was a special thing.  so fun to watch.  so fun for Hudson to experience.  first time ever playing an actual hockey game with his dad, his brother and his cousin.

pretty sure he loved every second of it!  so did i! :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


in this season of thanksgiving i'm so grateful for things like sunflowers and fresh pumpkin pie...

and stories like this.  
how awesome is this guy?!  what a life changer...love it!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

this happened

Alemayehu turned 12.  he was scheming about things he'd like to buy with saved money and birthday cash.  front runners were a remote controlled car or a long board.  until his dad mentioned a mountain bike...
so he went from eating brownie cake and holding a bunch of bills~

to this sweet ride....

having a brother work at a sports store with a hefty discount sure helps.  he got a beautiful bike for almost half the original price.  happy guy.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

stuff that stirs

stuff has been stirring me in recent days.  here are the links to just two of the biggies. 

timely, and inspiring. beautifully affirming truth for my heart today.  maybe it will stir yours like mine.

with so many people in this world, this city, and even many we know tied down by figurative chains, bound by their past, their regrets, their shame, their present struggles, their addictions, their catastrophic losses...this song strikes a chord.  it rings of Hope and "for King and Country" knows where lasting hope and rescue comes from.  their faith rests in Christ.  mine does too. 
understanding the genesis of this song makes me long for many more to "burn the ships and step out into a new day".