Tuesday, June 25, 2019

a long time coming

after this particular Saturday venture to find a cool barber across the bridge, i was left with some distinct impressions...my boys felt the same.  one is worth mention~ finding this place, this particular man to cut my boy's hair was a welcomed relief and quite frankly, too long in coming.  as my dear husband always reminds me, however, you do the best you can with the knowledge you have at the time...i suppose he's right...


it was a new friend, "R", who told us about this place, and so off we went.  so glad we did.  Hudson is happy with his "bald fade" and all set for graduation this very week.  gulp...
love you, son.  your hair, your shades. and just simply you. ❤

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

European adventures

my girl is home....the Europe trip is in the books.  adventures were had. baguettes and crepes were consumed.  mishaps occurred.  life lessons were learned.  friendships were created and deepened through time and experiences.  memories definitely were made...and all of that has me longing for a trip to Europe myself.  one day, one day.  until then, these pictures allow me to live vicariously through Hannah's adventures! 
i'm happy for you Hannah~ looked amazing!! ♡

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

big events

somehow i blinked and my little boy grew up into a dashing young man...he's traded Thomas trains and shiny Hot Wheels for my own set of car keys....

yes~ two big events just happened...graduation and prom.  how even???


while he plans to return to high school for at least a semester, the formality of having our third oldest wearing the cap and gown kinda hits ya!

love you "Ado"...to the very moon and back!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

this girl

my little world traveler...

livin' the life in Europe these days.  sure miss her while she's gone!  more on her adventures soon...be safe, dear Hannah.  and eat another pastry for me, k?