Tuesday, May 28, 2019

the Raps!

those Toronto Raptors.  feisty and determined, persistent and gritty.  and it paid off apparently!!  they are heading to the NBA finals this week after a quarter century of trying....so it seems noteworthy to mention it here...
the Raptors acquired Kawhi Leonard this season, and man did they hit the jackpot with him.  the more i hear about him, the more there is to like!  i love his unassuming, calm, humble approach.   
soooo, leading up to game one against Golden State on Thursday, 
a beauty article about the star player 
who acts like anything but a star.  
so refreshing.  enjoy the link and the finals!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the wonder of spring

what's not to love about this magical season of spring?

fresh, bold colours and new life springing up at every turn around here!  it's really the best time of year...
soak it up, my friends!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

my crafty girl

this happened...

so proud of Layla and her sweet cousin and their super exciting venture into hand painted signs.  they do beautiful work, and Layla has found herself busy with orders and is turning out some gorgeous designs that will add warmth to any space.   
so talented...great job Lay! ♡

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

our moms

i'm getting older and way sappier.  i can't help it.  not exactly sure why, but i have a pretty good hunch...it's gotta have something to do with my own lived experiences shaping my perspectives and causing me to realize how amazing my earliest memories were.  how those experiences framed my entire life in a way that allowed me to enter my journey of motherhood with a good and right sense of what i was about to embark on....twenty one years later, as i/we raise this bunch, i'm even more grateful.  this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.  as years pass i understand more, i can relate more, i feel it the same as my own mother did and still does.  
i'm also so thankful for my mother-in-law this Mother's Day.  my dear husband is a product of a mother who invested, who loved faithfully, consistently and who supported and nurtured him all the way through his life, and still does.  i see parts of her in him, and i'm thankful. 
in a world where so many are without this consistent presence of a mom in their lives, where so many long for more and so many have broken hearts and missing pieces~ we are immensely thankful our mothers chose to love us well...