there's a lot of waiting to life, isn't there? waiting to grow, waiting for dinner, waiting for that one day on the calendar, waiting for test results, waiting at the take-out window longer than you'd like, waiting for answers to prayers, waiting for change, waiting for progress and a turn in a situation. waiting for a job offer, for robin eggs to hatch, waiting for a new season, waiting for bread to rise, waiting on exam marks, waiting for a fresh start, waiting for Mr. Right, a dream realized. waiting for summer plans, waiting for graduation, waiting for the weekend, waiting for spring plants to break through winter-weary soil and pops of colour to add wonder and beauty to our surroundings, waiting for relief, waiting for justice....
waiting, waiting and more waiting.
waiting for the bus here on this crisp sunny morning in spring is my boys and Miss Z. oh and the Andre Drummond bobblehead as well...
a friend recently told me about this song by Danny Gokey. i knew a few of you would appreciate it as well. it really sums up the feelings we often feel during seasons of waiting. and all around me, even in my own life, it seems so many are waiting on God for something in their life to happen or resolve or turn or change or become. so of course i love the lyrics and the gentle reminder they speak.
enjoy!! :)