Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Florida 2019

another year, another photo recap.  they are not in any particular order, and most of the photo credits go to Layla and Joelle, thank goodness. otherwise i'd have like four good pictures...
yes, the Sunshine State was beautifully sunny, perfectly hot and as usual, offered up lots of blissful relaxation and fun...when can i go back?!?

obviously Hannah is missing from the above "kid shot"...her absence was definitely felt.  deeply actually.  we almost pulled off a week with the whole crew with Joelle flying into Tampa, but Hannah couldn't make it this year, understandably...hopefully one day soon all eight of us will get there again during the same week!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


**update~ i'm back for now, and this post is a few weeks late.  still haven't fixed the photo uploading problem, but from my phone it seems to work at least. thanks Adam! :)
wrestling pictures today~ because that's what we've been up these days! lots of tournaments through the week and on weekends.  yep, we've hit the late winter peak! such a fun time watching my five show bravery as they've all faced fierce opponents and sometimes lost, grace and humility after easier matches they won, grit to get out there and work hard and keep training when it feels long into the season...love the life lessons wrestling teaches over time.  and Jeff, always in their corner ready to offer support and encouragement and the positive spin.  he's so good at that.

Joelle wrestling U Sports in Calgary...

AJ and Hudson at a youth tournament in Milton

Adam and Layla at SWOSSAA