Tuesday, August 22, 2017


two darling little baby boys
1.5 months, 3 months
twenty fingers, twenty toes
too many wet bibs and diapers to count
twelve to fourteen bottles per day
two evening baths
one to three~ the number of times a day i get peed on or spit on
eight of us loving these boys with all we've got
two stories, two paths, two destinies...
the number of times we've been blessed by family and friends since experiencing what twins would be like ~ sooo many...from baby swing to bouncy seat to 
delicious casseroles, etc..."it takes a village" after all
one good and loving Father God, still above all things...He know their names.  He knows their futures.  He has a plan...
He loves them even more than i already do, which is a lot.  soooo much assurance there.

please remember these two little peanuts in your prayers...may they know joy and hope and love and warmth from here on out, a thousand times over.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

free fallin'

my kids really do love this summer pastime 

cool pics i thought

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

the extraction

umm....yah, so nobody expected the requested tooth extraction to unfold like this...

just so happened we filmed this one, even though there have been other teeth pulled before on other occasions...

later, after all was said and done, i said to Jeff "i could never be a dentist....just that sound...couldn't do it".  Jeff's response~ "apparently i am a dentist!!"

Hudson was a champ...after an initial few seconds of his eyes as wide as saucers, he went super chill like it was no big deal at all to have an extra tooth removed that wasn't even wiggly.  like just another day in the life of this kid.  thankfully, both teeth were lingering baby teeth.  

he's since moved on to water tricks out of the side of his mouth where he's left with a cavernous hole.

have i mentioned it's never dull around here??  

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

summer pics scooped from Jeff's phone

so, i figured it was time for a week of random pics.  cuz i stole them from Jeff's phone when i realized he'd captured some special little memories that i wished to preserve!  he's a keeper!

above and below~ cousins...old and young!  Miss Cali is full of spunk and cuteness...Joelle is kind of cute still too, haha!

AJ's pitching debut of 2017!  he's playing with boys who are 12 and 13 years old, yet he seems so calm and fearless.  it is pretty priceless, i gotta say.

me and Jeffrey.  at grade 8 graduation number four.  two to go.  yikes-ers...will we make it??
debatable :)

brothers and a new pool toy.  kind of keeps it fun for them.

Canada Day!  what an amazing country we enjoy...so abundantly blessed!

longtime friends and an evening fire.  another gift i cherish more and more these days.  and dear Carl all bundled up...gotta love him...

goofball #1 and goofball #2, right here...


when far away family comes to visit, we descend on them.  such a treat to connect with dear cousins and their sweet families.  you are all so loved!
not sure about Hudson here, but i guess somehow, DNA aside, he takes after his father?!?  check out Jeff's high school yearbooks sometime and it all makes sense...Serge and i were snapping pics~ but just looking at these people is joy!

cheers to July!  until next year...