things i've loved this past while, and one thing i haven't, because this is real life.
i don't even know how this bread could be so easy to make and so delicious to eat. i was so stunned with the result i had to stop and photograph it, and then eat some, of course. made me feel sooo old-fashioned and domesticated in that "farmer's wife" way that i love. if only i'd churned the butter we slathered on....thanks to my mother-in-law for sharing the recipe. once the thermostat drops to a tolerable level in my kitchen again i will fire up the oven for another loaf.

another thing i love. my two youngest are on the same baseball team this year. what a treat! below, Hudson pitching while his biggest fan, AJ, cheers him on. precious and something i am so thankful to see. not sure it will happen again, so i'm soaking it in while we can. even cuter was last night when AJ was pitching and Hudson was catcher. he kept approaching the mound to discuss strategy, signs, and what they were going to have for snack that night.... :) who really knows what they were discussing, but in that game, it felt very Russell Martin and Marcus Stroman-ish, just doing it like the MLB....that's when it's fun for them!
my oldest son takes such delight in this baby. he may also be on the very top of the baby's list of favourite people too (in this house, at least). they have a mutual shared affection for one another. he calls him "Ado" or today "Adam" properly, with a strong emphasis on the "ummm" sound at the end. so sweet.
nothing like cuddling a freshly bathed baby snuggled up with his bottle.
spontaneous purchases at H&M are always fun. plus, Layla is fun and funny to shop with too.
just growing up so fast.
here's the hate part of the love/hate...or at least a strong dislike. this pile of "stuff" at the top of the stairs never impresses me. how hard is it to carry down your clothes, hats, work stuff, etc., when you journey down to your room multiple times a day?? apparently quite hard for some. sigh....i will survive. yes i will.
stay cool everyone!