this is special. like so seriously off-the-charts awesome!! it made my month of October~ a total highlight. but first the back-story must be explained.
when Jeff and i were dating, some time before our own tribe of children arrived, we decided to sponsor a child through the amazing organization of
Compassion. these people, this mission, this working model of releasing children from poverty through Jesus' name~ well, it is a beautiful thing to see when hope and purpose is restored and the real life-changing love of God is experienced first-hand~ by sooo many children for the very first time.
so, we began sponsorship of a precious boy at that time. he was from the country of Bolivia, and his eyes were beautiful, dark and tentative. he was nine years old.
Johnny looked unsure of exactly what to make of having his picture taken by the workers that day. i wish i could know what his heart was feeling on that very day, in that moment...he was probably brand new to the Compassion project in his village, yet perhaps feeling hopeful that this would be a good thing for him, that his future was a bit more secure by having the project workers there and involved in his life.
from our end, Jeff and i were invested from the first look at his sweet face. Johnny became more and more like our sponsored Bolivian son. his name was regularly spoken during our prayers, we wrote letters and always anticipated the annual update picture to see his progress. as Johnny grew he would sometimes share his future plans and desires as it related to school and future career. he began to dream and plan and see options as real and open to him. and then one day we were told that Johnny was old enough to graduate out of Compassion's program, and we were given the option of selecting a new child to sponsor. this was over a decade ago now, and naturally, we lost touch with Johnny, but never once forgetting him and wondering from time to time where life had taken him.
until last month. oh my heart. i received a text from Jeff showing a screenshot of Johnny's Facebook profile, saying "Look who i got a friend request from!!"
real tears.....there was our "little Johnny", all grown up and now a young man living life and looking healthy and well and happy. let me say, seeing him, seeing his photos once again~ it was incredibly exciting and heart warming. i felt very parental in that moment too~ like a mom beaming for a grown child she'd let out from her nest, with the huge satisfaction of knowing that all appeared well. so very nice....i'm so grateful God has had a clear hand on his life....
we quickly connected over Messenger (and thus my love/hate relationship with Facebook continues). still, on that day and each since, i've been super thankful for the means to converse instantly and at no cost. pretty neat. Johnny has graciously shared with me his perspective of Compassion, of being a part of the project there in Bolivia, and how that shaped his childhood, his future, and even rippled out to his family members in various ways. he has really good memories of Compassion that were obviously sweet to hear.
this has renewed my faith and commitment in a worthy charity such as Compassion. they are making a giant difference in this world. Johnny is doing well. my heart is full.