Tuesday, September 29, 2015

the gift of a legacy

a cottage escape happened this past weekend.  wow, was it ever wonderful...a celebration of the making of a legacy.  fifty years marriage (and counting) for my sweet parents.  what a model they have been of faithful and true love.  this rooted me from day one and on through my childhood and early adult years.  mom and dad gave me (yes, it was intentionally given to me~ to us, as kids) stability in our home I didn't even realize I needed.  it just was a part of what I knew, what I observed, what I loved!  it was always that way as long as I can remember.  I knew they were fiercely committed to each other and the vows they made before God.  I don't recall ever doubting that they were in it for keeps.

 so, in celebration of this giant anniversary we enjoyed some fabulous R&R that included gorgeous sunsets, summer-like beach walks late in September, delicious food, laughter, games and new memories....

plus, chillin' on a deck with a view...

dinner conversations,

cousin bonding,

and an amazingly beautiful painted sky.  photo credits of the sunset go to Joelle~ her shot was the best....

and even a morning of kite flying.

thanks Mom and Dad for loving each other so well.  your example shaped the way I love my dear Jeffrey.  and I think he'd say I do okay...
for the record, Jeff's parents are not far from the same amazing milestone and he echoes my words about his childhood and his parents.  how fortunate are we as their kids?!?  in a world of disposable everything, my children have seen their grandparents display loyal commitment with conviction~ and not with drudgery or boredom but instead with fun and friendship and joy.  awesome....
so blessed.  my word.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


so, back to the number theme....one last birthday in this run of special "gifts" to celebrate.  tomorrow my youngest, my baby, turns eight.  sniff, sniff.  he legally doesn't require a car seat anymore.  he's reading chapter books with help, he's biking the "Jumps" at our local park, he's running 5 km easily in the Terry Fox run last Sunday, and he's skipping rocks far better and further than his mama.  he's finding his way, his sass voice, and has no problem speaking his mind in this large family where he holds the title of "youngest".  it's necessary for survival, i know it...  

he's a far cry from this toddler seen on my computer screen below.  this was our first picture ever of our precious son, at just over three years old...his expression says so much.  

we'd travel twice to the plains of Africa, into a small remote Ethiopian village to find this boy who was chosen just for our unique family.  we'd step in as his second family, his forever family, and never be the same because of it.  the tears spill when i consider that God orchestrated such an event~ down to the very last details...how His heart bends for the orphan.

  AJ~ you are so loved and we consider the blessing all ours to have found our way to you. 

have the happiest of birthdays, little man.  wishing you joy and strength and purpose as you continue to grow!  have a blast being eight!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

model material??

this ham of a kid was shopping with me on the last weekend before school.  we were out of town for a baseball tournament and killing time between games.  so, we found a Winners!  

 this is his best runway pose.  i love the whites of his eyes :)  now that the picture is public, i expect the "Paris people" will be calling any day....better start his portfolio! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

just like that....

just like that....all six officially embark on a new school year filled with promise, adventures, new beginnings, challenges, lessons learned, growing, maturing, discovering more about themselves and the wide world in which we live.  

Joelle grade 12x, Hannah grade 11, Adam grade 9, Layla grade 7, Hudson grade 5, AJ grade 3

have an amazing year guys!  go get 'em!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


i've fallen victim to some sort of freakish time-travel incident. i've heard about this sort of thing before...only now it's happened to me.  an abnormal and inexplicable phenomenon where i blinked and my firstborn went from infant car seat to driver's seat,

 from nursery school to contemplating post-secondary, from adorable to beautiful, and taller than her mama...

she doesn't love the mushy side of me (although maybe really deep down it resonates with her a bit), but i can't help but remember this day eighteen years ago when i realized i'd finally be welcoming my first child.  a full twelve days late (rascal)~ she was making her grand entrance on her terms only~ i sat there in my hospital room cradling a precious bundle that i already loved sooooo fiercely...and so my transition to parenthood began.  it's been a wild ride....yet i can honestly say i'm so thankful for all the highs and lows, because i know without a doubt that i'm being shaped and stretched and changed simply because of this role i have as mom to this bunch.  
love you Joelle~ to the moon and back.  i hope and pray this is your best year ever!