Tuesday, February 25, 2014

it's a good thing....

....they're cute. 
and so often they make me smile.  some days these pics that randomly appear on my phone are helpful reminders.  i love them deeply.  more than they could ever know.  even when there are moments that feel like i'm hunkered down in the trenches. 
yet, i'm soooo thankful that i'm not going this alone.  happy to share the parenting road with the Creator of these rascals~ He does, after all, know them far better than i, He knows me and my limitations and imperfections, He knows His great plans for their lives.  wow, does that help me to hang on to a shred of sanity...(God~ keep them and hold them close to yourself, I pray...guard their hearts and their steps.)  As well, i'm thankful for a great man (who has a birthday today~ love you Jeff!!) to walk this road with.  he shares wisdom and fun as we navigate this season of life.  thankful for friends and family who simply by being present and available in our lives bring support and joy and "uh-huh~ we get that" moments (even today! thanks D!) and love on the journey.  love you Joelle and Hannah and the rest of my little cherubs...now, is it bedtime yet???

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

his debut

AJ had his wrestling debut this weekend!  oh. my. heart.  soooo cute....four matches for his first ever tournament.  he went 1-3, but was happy to end with a win.  it was adorable.  he looked like he really felt like one of the bigger kids now that it was finally his turn to meet at the centre of the mat, shake hands with the opponent and coaches, etc....he wore that singlet like a champ and was pretty much just scrumptiously cute.  he seemed to catch on to the flow of the matches as the day went on.  the boys he wrestled were equally adorable, and the emphasis on fun and experience is clear with coaches and referees alike.  some pics below, all iPhone photos unedited, but special still to me....

pep talk and arm rub from daddy...

Hudson doing selfies with Braxton...a sweet girl and awesome wrestler.  if Braxton competes in the Olympics one day, this picture will be extra cool for Hudson to look back on... 

a hug for Layla after a tough match...

Joelle and Tali.  bonding. :)

AJ and Hannah.  love these moments.

a great day of character development and togetherness!  love this time of year...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

boy party

a certain boy turns nine this week.  we celebrated this weekend by inviting the boys from his class to our home for a hockey party.  check out the sincerity in those smiles below! :) too funny....

seven sweet boys came and joined in the true Canadian theme of hockey on a backyard rink, with bitter cold temperatures just to make it really authentic (even with the bone-chilling temperatures these boys were all outside for over an hour on the rink, and one huge hockey fan still didn't want to come in even after Adam shut down the lights! it was precious and not what i expected at all.)
they were up for the challenge and seeing them enjoy themselves made it worth every minute of preparations.  my older girls quickly figured out that boy parties are very different than girl parties, and they are right! :) but once we got the boundless energy directed in appropriate ways, all was well! 
they were entertained, entertaining, and full of noise and giggles.  one little guy, in particular, couldn't stop his boisterous laughter at what seemed like every one of Jeff's jokes.  Jeff really liked him! :) 
there was pizza and cake and presents and play.  doesn't get much better than that. 
Hudson loved it.  that made me sooo happy. 
especially when sometimes the build-up of such events creates some turmoil for Hudson in the days that lead up to the actual day.  he's had a more difficult few weeks~ both in school and at home.  all expected and becoming predictable.  this is his February. he is just about to burst with anticipation.  we try very hard to minimize the intentional hype that surrounds a birthday for him~ yet still there is hype.  he knows it's coming, he does the math now~ counting days, and he is a boy who feels and lives in large ways.  so, with the party behind us and only the smaller family party ahead with the "real" birthday this week, he is doing his best to cope with the excitement. 
regardless, this boy is my dear, sweet treasure.  he brings me endless smiles and warm affection.  he is growing up, and with it we see small incremental changes that are in the right direction.  we are thankful....can't wait to see what God has planned for his future. 
happy birthday Hudson Pierre!  love you!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

the day he got back on a mat

i won't go on and on during this post.  i promise.  still, the event is blog worthy, in my opinion.  and i guess that's the only opinion that counts when i'm the blogger, right? 
this past Saturday my almost 46 year old husband decided to take his spot on a wrestling mat for an actual tournament~ the Western Open. 

a spot on a real mat, facing real opposition that was at least half his age.  Western University hosts this tournament annually, i believe, and apparently many times in the last five years Jeff has contemplated entering for "one last tournament".  he hasn't mentioned it a lot to me, but inside the desire has been brewing.  time and life and children have gotten in the way.  their commitments and schedules haven't made it easy for Jeff to enter, until this year.  in the past few weeks he's started throwing out the idea, the date of the tournament, the chance to re-visit a sport he's so passionate about, etc. he shared his desire and intent to give it one more try, just for fun.  we discussed the pros and cons.  i seemed to vacillate between "are you completely crazy??" to "why couldn't he do this?"  he went in with a realistic view of the probable outcome and entered purely for the love of competition.  he and a few others from Sarnia, one coach still competing in the tournament circuit as well as another that has been away from it for many years (although, not quite as many as Jeff, i might add :)) entered officially and we set off to London early Saturday.  all the kids came.  Jeff really thought it would be nice for them to see their dad compete, not just at weekly practice or in old photographs.  i agreed.

we had lots of angles covered for both matches.  at least three of us were recording or photographing Jeff's every move.  all the while, i was trying not to throw-up.  i was pretty nervous, and simply wanted him to get through without a cardiac crisis.  Hudson was cheering loudly "Dad, do the reef over!!"  it was nice to be there together.  it was nice to see Jeff in his element.  i was beyond proud of him. 

the outcome?  well, Jeff wrestled two matches, and lost both.  the first one was 17-10~ and Jeff came out with a nice lead.  it became an issue not of technique (which i think would have gone to Jeff had it been just technique~ because, you know, i'm pretty knowledgeable about the sport as a whole...ok, not true.) however, but conditioning.  Jeff was running out of air, and the pure strength and adrenaline required to perform in a three minute round was draining.  at one point his Sarnia sparring partner and coach for the match looked at me and asked where his water bottle was.  i was thinking, "forget the water~ grab oxygen instead!"  Jeff ran out of steam and lost the match after the first minute of the last round.  still, he had fun.  it didn't really look fun to me, but i could see that he enjoyed it....a former McMaster teammate watched on, as well as referees that know Jeff well from his early years.  it's hard to know or even imagine what everyone was thinking, probably just as well that we don't.  but these onlookers seemed genuinely impressed with Jeff's showing and display of courage.  his weight class was stacked with some of the best in Canada~ and they had the abs to support their standings.  i know i would have seen that bracket and hit the highway back to Sarnia. 

these guys above were beasts.  they took silver and bronze in the 13 man bracket, i believe...

as Adam's speech says, being "humbly confident and content" is a great way to live.  Jeff was totally cool with losing, just legitimately happy to have experienced one last tournament.  he says he can cross that off his bucket list now and i'm okay with that too.  he modeled courage firsthand for his family~ unfazed by people's opinions of his age, or the raw talent and youth of his opponents.  i was so thankful to accompany him that day.  plus, someone had to carry the bottle of Aleve, so it's good that i went along...:)