Tuesday, October 29, 2013

a moment to pause, and an aj quote

i have to pause before i go further...today, as i sit to type my weekly entry into our family diary, my heart is feeling a bit heavy.  one of the faithful visitors to this corner of cyber space, a dedicated reader of this humble blog (one of you 12! :)) is no longer reading.  my mom's dear uncle, Ome Jan, passed away last week after a period of deteriorating health.  he was 85 years old.  this man was special.  he was soooo loved.  i spoke about him here on his last birthday.   i'm so blessed to have known him.  my mom cared deeply about Ome Jan, he was so much more than a far away uncle.  it was beautiful to watch the connection they shared, as many cups of strong coffee were enjoyed while they discussed life together...she's feeling the loss, as are his three sweet children and grandchildren back in Holland.  today they celebrate his life and remember all the ways he touched theirs.  our thoughts and prayers are with Meindert, Henriette,Yolanda and their families today.  hugs from me to you...

on to sweet AJ.  each night before i hit the pillow i get my two youngest boys up to the bathroom to increase my personal odds of having uninterrupted sleep.  it's called strategy.  overall, there's less chance of running the washing machine at 3 AM, less chance of seeing one of them hovering over me with nothing but the "sense" of their presence jolting me from my state of blissful sleep.  yes, this routine works.  they both don't necessarily need to be woken, but at this point, the guaranteed success of a dry night is worth it.  plus, if you're bringing one, you might as well bring both.  so, Hudson walks there himself, but AJ often needs a guiding hand.  he set foot on the floor last night, eyes squinty and steps swerving...i held his hand.
AJ: "Mom, now i know how to count backwards with words."
Me: smiling...thinking that i'm sure gonna miss these sleepy revelations once these boys grow up..."Wow, how do you do that, AJ?  Count backwards with words?? Can you do it for me?"
AJ: now in the bathroom..."Well, i don't really want to, but i can go to the bathroom..."
Me: "Okay buddy, that's just fine...maybe in the morning."

moments of pure delight.  love them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


first, the back story...Layla has a brand new, fresh out of school teacher this year for grade five.  Mr. J. is married to a super sweet lady who babysat our crew for lots of years.  did i mention she's very brave??  :) she was always "a hit" when she came, bringing fun crafts and activities for the kids to do while Jeff and i were out trying to salvage our sanity enjoying our date without kids in tow.  then our babysitter grew up and met a fine young man.  he was fun and funny (and paid attention to the little cherubs) and the kids quickly decided the young couple was a perfect match.  E&J pretty quickly determined they were meant to be married, and on their wedding day Layla and Adam stood as their flower girl and ring bearer. 
fast forward to today.  Mr. J. finally graduated from many seemingly endless, gruelling years of juggling a family and school work, and today is the new, full-time grade 5/6 teacher at TCA.  such a happy surprise for miss Layla.  
well, let's just say Layla's interest in school is at an all time high.  there are daily "Mr. J." stories painstakingly recounted as i listen on, doing my very best to piece together the missing parts.  she shares riddles, gestures, funny comments, crazy moments, and on and on and on....get my drift? :)  Mr. J. dare not leave for a day or ever be sick, because then her sparkle dims a bit and school is just way more ordinary. 
so, Mr. J. has also openly shared with his class his passion for the Baltimore Ravens football team.  this is something that has stuck with her, and suddenly, our not-very-interested-in-football daughter is talking football and showing interest in the game.  not only that, however.  she's taken to marking her tests and assignments with messages much like the one below. 

this is her spelling test.  in the corner "Ravens Do Rock".  along the edge "Your teaching does too! Du-hh!"  oh my....super cute, for now at least.  hopefully Mr. J.'s good with sap, because i can just imagine his Christmas card...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

this is curious...

...hmmm....not sure what to say....i never want to be overly critical of my children on this blog, but the reality is the picture below was, shall we say, jaw-dropping  somewhat surprising.  :)

i mean, really~ both Jeff and i stood and stared.  down at the paper, up at eachother, down at the paper, up at eachother.  and so it went.  our faces mirrored both confusion and astonishment.  could it be a mistake? or was this award really meant for our dear Hudson?

well, yes~ actually it was!  i had to ask his teacher how she came to this conclusion when choosing from an entire grade three class.  there are, after all, monthly character awards given at Hudson's school, and perhaps "Enthusiasm" or  "Compassion" or "Energetic" or "Funny Guy who can Dance" :) might have been better fits.  there are other suitable choices!  she shared the story that led to her decision.  apparently Hudson was seen walking the hallway after the others had come in the classroom.  his teacher asked him what he was doing.  he responded that he had been running down the hallway, which is not allowed, so he decided to turn around, go back to the end of the hall, and walk properly the second time.  she appreciated his honestly.  so, there you have it.  we'll celebrate the small victories, even if they sprout out of original disobedience!  just cracks me up.  never dull around here, that is for sure.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


on this day, these guys were hard core.  running in the rain. covering longer distances than the previous day.  all preparation for the upcoming cross country meet in a week and a half.  i don't care (really i don't) if they finish last at the school event.  they have worked hard.  faithfully.  with endurance and perseverance.  not all runs have felt great, not all kilometres have passed quickly.  doesn't matter to us.  we're proud of the effort and the "stick-to-it-ness" we have seen.  Layla is the biggest fan of the sport.  the boys are still showing-up strong.
AJ has been training as well.  he just wasn't in this particular photo.  he's not old enough to compete at the meet, but he sure loves practicing with the bigger kids at the school.  he holds his own remarkably well.  must be that Ethiopian blood. 
proud of you Layla, Adam, Hudson and AJ.   
love Mom, your biggest fan!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

this makes me smile~ installment #2!

couldn't resist posting AJ's first tests of grade one.  his first tests ever, actually!

so fun to see his work actually being done.  he's really doing it!!!  admittedly, he seems like a young grade one student.  and grade one is a big jump from senior kindergarten.  i had my doubts about whether he would be able to do this.  the structure, the academic level, the whole thing.  not that he isn't capable, just that he had such a slow start and he's been in "catch-up mode" since JK.  so, you can well imagine these tests he brought home in his backpack made me smile.  he was so happy to show me.  he was so genuinely proud of his results.  i love how he wrote the date on the math test.  precious. precious. precious.  now, if i could just freeze time......