Monday, January 30, 2012


a few weeks ago AJ returned from school with this school craft.  a snowman.  hmmmm....

it became clear rather quickly that AJ obviously hadn't seen enough snow this winter to properly know how to "dress" a snowman.  last winter he was simply adjusting to the massive climate change.  he was surviving.  a slightly perturbed "Michelin" baby walking around somewhat stunned by the snow and cold and the insane amount of layers we wear in Canada (most winters) to stay warm.  well, after seeing his take home craft i determined that once there was a real snowfall we'd teach him how to make a proper snowman.  yesterday was the day.  the snow was ok for packing, it was really beautiful and not bitter cold out either.  all photos below taken by Joelle...

Hannah's "Lulu" won the imaginary prize...

next~ hot chocolate on the stove.  marshmallows.  fire crackling.  rosy cheeks. ohhh how i love i'm ready for spring!  what's takin' so long?!?!  :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

sting game

thanks to tickets from J&B, Hudson and Daddy headed off to a sting game together last week.  there was much anticipation from Hudson.  the whole evening carries a lot of "wow" factor for a six year old hockey-loving boy.  Jeff was blown away by the focus Hudson had during all three periods.  once Jeff missed seeing a particular shot, but Hudson knew the number of the player that took it!  he was paying careful attention, taking it all in (as shown by later demonstrations done in the basement hockey room).  any that know Hudson also realize that focus is a.....ahem....challenge at times.  not this night.  not if the activity is something he is interested in.  and, as if the game experience alone wasn't enough, the night was capped off with a pat on the head by Connor Murphy, annnnndddd, Connor so kindly picked up THE game puck and handed it to Hudson as well.  to keep!!  well, as you can imagine, Hudson nearly flipped his lid on this one.  so cute....
the tuck-in prayer that night went like this....
"dear God, thanks that i could go to the sting game with dad.  thanks that i could get the puck from Connor Murphy and that he's my best friend!" 
sweet ending to a sweet evening for two happy boys.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

hello again!

aaahhhhhh......finally here.  my new spot on the web to log our family happenings.  the stuff that fills our days~ we, the "crazy eight".  the good, the bad, the highs, the lows, and the chaos in between.  don't be fooled by the tranquility seen in the photo above.  tranquil is rarely the word i'd choose to describe our crew.  yet, amidst all the nuttiness, through the fast-paced current of our lives flows a peace and joy that is real and tangible.  not every second of every day~ we are real, after all!  still, we are blessed in "epic proportions".  we know this.  we are thankful. 
here you will find a mix of family news~ successes and struggles, as i attempt to preserve these days in written form.  you all know about my memory....'nuf said....while it would be simpler not to set aside the time each week to jot down this seemingly trivial information, i know i'll be grateful to have done so in the years to come as my kids branch away from the nest (sniff, sniff).  at that time i'll switch my focus to starting a support group for "empty-nesters", which no doubt i'll need to survive those days...i'll also toss in an assortment of random stuff that interests or inspires or frustrates me.
so, to any that desire to follow along~ welcome!  if not, that's perfectly fine too.  i know there are more riveting bloggers just a click away.  i read some of those very blogs myself! 
feel free to say "hello" or drop a question in the comment section anytime. 
it's good to be back....