a bit of a photo dump from bits of January and February.
Jessie love, lots of baking with my assistant, birthdays, Valentine's Day, creative play, reunions, and the cafe taking shape! grateful for life lived!
a bit of a photo dump from bits of January and February.
Jessie love, lots of baking with my assistant, birthdays, Valentine's Day, creative play, reunions, and the cafe taking shape! grateful for life lived!
he's not one to gush. but he might not mind if i gush a bit about him. today he has a birthday. in his birthday note i told him that often his birthday feels like more of a notable occasion to me than my own birthday, because i'm literally so thankful for the gift he is to me. (and it's not like one can feel like they are a gift to themselves! well, most people at least! ahem...;)) seriously, God knew. He chose for me a solid man who is so faithful and kind. i love that his character is super steadfast. he is a light bringer. i love his humour and his positivity. i love his character, his work ethic, and his consistent willingness to show-up for his family. he is unwavering of his supportive love to me (seriously, a puppy and a Peloton?!), and he regularly chooses to champion things of Christ.
we've been at this a long time. he's my best friend, and i'm really grateful for his 57 years. staying on this rollercoaster ride with him~ that much i know.
in the words of Gabby Barrett's cool country song, he's "solid and he's steady" and he's one of the good ones.
happy birthday Jeff!
Layla is on the home stretch. in less than a month she'll be boarding a plane and taking with her all the parts and pieces that she'll forever hold in her heart from the past five and a half months with YWAM. both Hawaii and Tanzania have been amazing times for her. she'll certainly leave a part of her heart behind, i expect. she's had so many meaningful connections with staff and new friends and the sweetest children. her blog has beautifully articulated her journey so far, so feel free to catch up with her there...
i'm soo looking forward to having her under the same roof again!
finish well, Lay! shine on...❤
apparently age really is just a number. here's my dad. on the ice with Cree.
by his own description~ he felt rusty. but then, so did i this year. not at all like the four year old whippersnapper seen above. or his 17 and 19 year old brothers. they really make it look so easy. effortless even.
still, dad wins the award for getting out there and giving it a go. in a decade of his own.
he's inspiring. ❤
Christmas season 2024 already feels like a bit of a distant memory, even though it's only been a month. so i'm throwing down the pictures today, because once i'm out of January there's really no going back. i want to remember~ the sweet and fun parts, the memorable "together" parts, the traditional and the sacred parts.
(we missed Layla, that was hard. but we made the best of it and connected with her during quiet moments too. those are times when technology is amazing! her journey to Africa over Christmas proved to be another gift! more on that soon!)
as for photos~ here goes...